
Treking in the woods.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Proof is in the pudding!!!!!

Richard and I have been in Minnesota since the 17th of December. From that day on we have had wind, snow, rain,freezing rain and beautiful sunshine. At this very moment in time the temp is dropping down and down. It was only 9 degrees when I got up this morning at 9 a.m. and now at 4:45 p.m. it is a mere 17 degrees. We went into Rochester to have lunch with Jason. It was nice to be with him even for a little bit. We made a weekly trip to the grocery store to stock up on all the stuff it takes to fill up a couple of growing boys. They are growing up faster with each passing day. I sometimes wish I could push Jason back into a very small boy again so he could sit on my lap. A little bit ago I went to hug him hello after his day at work and realized once again how tall he is. I sometimes long for those old days when he needed me to do everything for him. When he needed me to hold his hand and not me needing him to hold my hand. Life turns around ever so slowly it seems. With all the ice and snow around here he is very protective of me and trying to keep from falling. With two titanium knees it would not feel good or be good for me to land on either of them. So now I toddle across the icy parking lot with my hand in my sons to steady my steps. WOW!!! I am a very lucky woman to have the love of a son.
Lainey called me the day before yesterday just to tell me she had lost another tooth. I love the fact that she just has to tell me that she had finally gotten rid of that loose tooth. I love the fact that she thinks enough of me and her grandpa to call us to tell us the news. I am the luckiest Grandma in the world to have 2 beautiful granddaughters and 2 awesome grandsons. The girls all three of them, Erin, Isabelle and Lainey are the most wonderful girls I know. Erin is my best friend. We shop together, bowl together, have dinner together and confide in each other when need be. I envy her at times the drive she has to go after something she wants so much and that is to further her nursing knowledge and her degree. She has struggled and fought her way to do what has called her. With the help of Tommy her ex husband, her father and I as well as any number of friends and family members she continues to amaze me.
I feel like I have had the most wonderful life of all. At time it has been tough but most of the time and the times I remember most are the greatest. I love the hard times they made me stronger, I love the good times they made me humble, I love the so so times they made me want to make my life better. I love my life. In July Richard and I will celebrate 40 years of married life together. WOW that sounds like a lot. In all honesty at first I could never see myself married that long but for the last 20 years or so I could not see myself with anyone else or any where else in this world. God has truly blessed my life with beautiful children, stupendous grandchildren, the best sisters, parents, aunts and uncles,nieces, nephews, cousins and absolutely the best friends a person could ever be blessed with. I give my undying love and gratitude to each one of these people in my life.
In the coming days we will go back home to Idaho and our way of life once again. As much as I have loved spending this time with Jason, Christy, Samuel and Christian I would be lying if I said I was not anxious to get home. I long to sit with my feet up in my easy chair and vegitate. To not feel like I have to get up and be a member of polite society. I miss the girls I am used to seeing if not every day then every other day or so. I miss my dog Dolly and cat TC. I miss my heated water bed. The bed we sleep in here is nice and comfy just cold when first crawled into. I actually miss Dolly, the dog, snoring. She makes the strangest noises at night. I will miss my boys and Christy. I will even miss Boz! He is the silliest dog. He has such a crazy thing.
I look forward to spending a week with all of my sisters together in the place we were all born. I want to make all kinds of plans about where to go and things to see. We will have such a great time. I look forward to flowers, green grass and just getting on with life.
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL WHO READ THIS. Lucy thank you for doing this for me. You are the bomb and my inspiration. I love you!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas in Minnesota!

Woke up this morning to two boys and a dog making a whole bunch of racket. It was only 6 a.m. you would think that they were only 4 or 5. Samuel who is 13 woke up really early and could not go back to sleep. We will not have Christmas presents until this evening because Christy is working today. I made a yummy breakfast casserole and will make dinner. They boys are waiting till then but none to willingly I might add. It is a bit strange but strange is ok. The only thing missing is Erin and the girls. They are home doing their thing with Tom and his family. I pray they make it a success and that the girls are happy. I believe they had Christmas with their dad yesterday. Being divorced is a very hard way to live. Been there and done that. I would not wish that on one single person.
The weather has been a bit crazy even for Minnesota. When we first got here it was cold cold then it snowed like crazy then it rained on top of that now it is snowing. Hard off and on, big and small flakes. I love the big feather flakes. They float down so slowly and land softly adding to the piles that already cover the ground. From the weather reports it is supposed to put down about 12 inches. This is really having a white christmas. At home in Idaho we are not supposed to get snow. It is cold but not going to snow. Christmas snow is always the best snow I think. Makes our world quiet and still. Full of peace and clean, I love it.
I wish for all a very cherished Christmas and a properous new year. My love to all.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

OH Fudge!!!!!!!

No I do not mean in a bad way! I am referring to the home made yummy kind. Well when it comes to home made have you ever noticed how unpredictable home made fudge is? It is a Christmas must to have a large variety of home made candies for the munching. Richard and I are blessed with the ability to visit Jason, Christy, Samuel and Christian for the Christmas and New Year holiday. The snow is deep, the air is crisp and the house is warm here in Minnesota and we are doing the typical candy making routine. From home I brought my peanut brittle and nutty noodle cluster recipes from home. I however failed to bring my fudge recipe. Christy has a large collection of cook books in which to find the perfect fudge recipe. With the help of one or two we came up with a cook book from a convent. Richard found one recipe that was "Smooth as French Silk" but with no superfine sugar and it was specific that superfine is a must. Soooooo on to the next one. Okay found one that look easy enough it used marshmellow fluff, chocolate chips, and nuts and did not make a huge ton lot. I followed the recipe very closely, cooked it up and poured it into the proper size pan than into the fridg like it said. Several hours later I pulled it out of the fridg to dump it out of the pan to cut into pieces. Whoops the only way that it was going to be eaten was with a spoon. Bummed I put it back in the fridg. When everyone had gone to bed I used on my itouch to search for the solution to soupy fudge. I lucked out and found out that I could recook it. Okay I decided the next day I will do just that. Day two of the fudge, I scooped it all into a large pan and began the long process of recooking fudge soup into real fudge. It became smooth, silky and shiny I was totally impressed with myself. After cooking for 8 minutes, discovered the recipe is flawed, I once again poured the beautiful convection into the pan I scooped it out of. I put it in the fridg once again and waited. I am a fairly patient person so waiting is not hard for me to do. I think in reality I am more of a procratinator in doing things so I do not mind waiting. I checked the stuff every so often to see if I was having any luck and guess what I was. It was firming up nicely. Okay so after everyone had gone to bed I decided to depan the fudge. It looked beautiful. I got it out in a nice 8 x 8 square and decided to cut it into small bite size pieces. I decided to let it harden up on the counter overnight. When I went to bed I left a bunch of cute little squares of chocolate yumminess. When I got up this morning laying on the counter were not little squares but little flat blobs. Christy thought they looked little cow pies. HAAAAAAAAAAA! Boy my face must have showed a ton of emotion from disbelief to disappointment. They were so cute last night now they are just not cute. They are like really soft and mushy tootie rolls. That's it I made tootsie rolls. I am going to get some wax paper and roll my little flat cow pie shaped pieces of fudge into little rolls of goodness. My grandson Samuel will be happy. It is his fault in the first place that I made fudge. I will not I repeat NOT make fudge next year. It is to much trouble, never the same twice, and hangs aroung forever. The peanut brittle, the noodle clusters, the rice krispie treats, and the cookies are a must. I will even make macaroons. Christy made some and I must say they are heavenly. Never liked them much before but they are very very good. Can't wait to share them at home.
The old saying that necessity it the mother of invention is oh so true! We do what we have to do when we have to do it and are happy about it. I wish to all of you a very happy and glorious Christmas season. God be with each and everyone of you in all your endevors.
Really wish I had some pictures of this poor excuse for fudge. You could all use a good laugh.

What to say about home made

What to say about home made

What to say about home made

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Fall!

The other day we had our first snow fall of the season. It was beautiful to watch and it reminded me of when we made snowmen as kids. What fun it was for all of us to be out in the yard, rolling what we thought were gigantic snow balls. As we got them to the size we wanted we would go get some help from Dad to stack them for us. It was a race then to see who could find the eyes, the nose, stick arms, a hat and scarf and something for a mouth. Of course we had to find a pipe but that wasn't hard to do. In those days that is what Dad smoked. I can still smell the Prince Albert tobacco he used. He always had a pipe that was all but wore out for us to use.
Dad used the pipe in conjunction with roll your own. I loved to watch him roll them up. He could do it with one hand. The smell was not like the nasty cigarettes of today but of sweet cherry. It is not a smell that we smell today. Pipes have gone out and fortunately cigarettes have fallen out of favor.
It is funny the things that bring back childhood memories like they were yesterday. I can still little Lucy all bundled in her blue snowsuit, knitted mittens on, some sort of scarf on her head. Connie would be dressed in several layers of tights, socks and pants. She would have a sweater and coat on as well as hat or scarf. We would all be dressed pretty much the same way. The one thing we never had was water proof snows shoes or boats. We would put as many socks on as would go in our shoes then tie plastic bread sacks over our shoes to help keep our feet dry. We could stay outside a bit longer if we were dry. Of course our hands were always cold and wet due to the fact we did not have water proof mittens or gloves. We could stay fairly warm if we didn't touch or sit down in the snow. But what fun was there in that. We played in the snow until we could not feel our hands or our feet. We would go in the house and huddle around the oil stove to get warm. If we were desperate we would go run our hands under warm water, only problem with that was the would itch for hours after ward.
Man we had fun. I would love to back just for a few hours and play like a kid again with all my sisters there. I want to make a snow man with Carol, Teri, Connie and Lucy. Maybe one day we will get together in the winter and do just that. I love you guys.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Crazy things in our Lives!

A week or so ago I was honored with a request to spend some time with my daughter Erin. I took my bath as usual, did my hair as usual, dressed as usual, and so on and so forth as usual. I drove over to Erin's we spent a wonderful few hours together catching up on all the ordinary stuff we do every day then I came home. I spent a little bit of time roaming around the house picking up this and that to put them where they belonged. I happened to walk into the bathroom to put a comb away and glanced in the mirror. To my shock and surprise what was looking back at me was not what I expected to see. I was wearing a pair of levi's, a black T-shirt with three small black buttons at the neck and a black and white checked blouse over that. I could not believe my eyes! I quickly took off the blouse and whipped the t-shirt off turning it right side out as I went. I then wondered to myself how many people in how many stores noticed the t-shirt I was wearing was wrong side out. I was so embarrassed that I have yet to tell anyone around here about it. I guess that is a good lesson learned that I should put my glasses on when I pick out my clothes for the day. Better yet I need to turn on the light so I am not fumbling around in the dark! Just one more thing to laugh at myself for. Life is good.